It goes without saying that GREEN is our future, in a world were resources are ever dwindling, the atmosphere under attack, not to mention the ever escalating allergies. I myself am one of those very keen on going GREEN, I drive a Prius which I absolutely love, as does my Grand Daughter, we have a worm farm and what does not go into the dog pot, goes to them and then is used as compost in the veggie garden.

We also try as best as possible to recycle all re usable waste and catch as much run off rain water our tanks will take. This is a philosophy that I am trying to introduce into our company culture as well.

However where cleaning is concerned, it starts with the choice of fibre and fabric. There is no option but to clean with integrity to the fibres and fabric, to achieve the best outcome.

All end users should be made aware of the limitations of the fabrics and fibres, so they can make an educated choice, regarding their furnishings. A viscose, rayon velvet just should not have water put near it, the only alternative is to dry clean it with Fluiden 15/20, a petrol derivative chemical, commonly known as white spirits.

If it does have water put on it, the pile is permanently damaged and lies flat, resulting in flat shiny patches. How can we expect the cleaner to go Green when the items requiring cleaning do not support Green Cleaning?